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How to Choose The Best Stroller for City Living

how to choose baby stroller for city living,Baby Jogging Stroller

Living in a big city is an adventure. When you have to raise a family amidst the hustle and bustle, you have your work cut out for you. It all starts with the smallest things. The best stroller for city living can make all the difference when you have to navigate through a bustling city with your little one in tow. With the right stroller, you can have a lot of ease and accessibility in your day-to-day life with your baby, from simple walks in the parks to moving through a crowded mall.

We have put together a comprehensive guide to help you select the best stroller for city living. Whether you need your stroller to be lightweight, for your upstairs apartment, or a rugged stroller that will outlast the bumps of the sidewalks. The most important thing to consider is your specific needs as a new parent living in a city.

Living in the city comes with a wide barrage of specific needs varying by living spaces, lifestyle, and other determinants. While there are several advantages to living in the city, there are also several challenges. The logical process to go through when choosing a stroller is to identify your specific needs and the challenges you would face. A challenge like how to get your stroller up three flights of stairs to your apartment.

If your apartment is not accessible by an elevator.

Buggy for city living, Stroller for City Living
buggy for city living

This is an example of how you can use your unique situation to make the right decision when buying a stroller for city living.

In a situation such as this, a lightweight baby stroller would be the perfect choice to get up and down to and from your apartment. Lightweight strollers are the best stroller for walk-up apartments.

Your schedule for the day in a busy city. Whether it is a leisurely stroll in the park or grocery shopping at the store. You need to have the right stroller to make the experience a smooth one.

The best strollers in 2022 provide your baby with a safe place to play while sitting or taking a little nap. An added advantage of a good baby stroller for city living is that they provide extra space for you to keep the basic essentials.

From diapers to wipes, to extra clothes, and maybe a toy or two.

Finding the best stroller for city living for your family’s needs is not a simple task. However, this article is to help you through the process. The market offers all kinds of baby strollers, varying from affordable to priced ones.

Hence, the budget plays an important role. The intended usage of your baby stroller will also help you narrow down your options as well. Other factors to consider include storage space, how many children you need your stroller for, and how much stuff you intend to keep in the stroller.

For travel and easy storage, the best Stroller 2022

A basic lightweight umbrella stroller can make the experience a breezy one. Higher functioning stroller systems can offer you helpful features such as extra-large storage baskets, and snap-on bassinet or car seats. You may find a basic model for occasional use perfectly suitable if you will not be moving around a busy city a lot.

However, the more advanced model would be a suitable investment if you have a lot of movement to do through the city regularly. If you must frequently take your baby out in a busy city, or you have planned for multiple children, investing in the best city stroller, the baby jogger can provide you with years of use across miles and miles of rough and tricky terrain.

In this article, we will examine how you can make the best purchase to suit your baby stroller’s needs in the city. Basic questions to ask while shopping for the best stroller for city living.

Buying a stroller is a pretty significant investment.

And if properly done, you may end up with a stroller that will survive through over one baby. Therefore, it is important to think things through when making a purchase.

It is important to evaluate your lifestyle and how you would likely use the stroller before deciding. The questions below will guide you through making the right decision for the best baby stroller for you.

  • How durable is the stroller?
  • What kind of wheel suspension does the stroller have?
  • What are the stroller wheels like?
  • How is he supposed to push the stroller steer and turn?
  • How big is the stroller?
  • What other features does a stroller have?
  • How big is the sun canopy?
  • How spacious is the undercarriage storage space?
  • Is it easy to clean the stroller?
  • How easy is it to unfold and fold the stroller?

With the wide variety of strollers available in the market, deciding on the right baby stroller may seem like a cumbersome task. However, when you ask the right questions, the task becomes easier.

How to choose the best baby strollers? 

Lightweight-Travel-Stroller for City Living
Lightweight-Travel-Stroller for city living

With the overwhelming variety of baby strollers on the market, parents shopping for a new baby stroller have a lot to consider when selecting the best one for their family. They are both guidelines that should cross-reference against the features of the baby strollers and be reviewed by past buyers to determine the best baby strollers for your family’s needs.

Key features to look for when shopping for a stroller.
Safety features.
Your baby’s safety is paramount, and the safety features any stroller provides should be the first thing on your mind.
Tire quality.
The quality of the wheels determines how long your stroller will last, especially if you will go through even terrain like bumpy sidewalks. Flimsy tires may not go many miles before getting stuck or even snapping.

Your lifestyle.

Like most city dwellers, you may rely on your stroller to get everywhere. However, some parents only need a stroller to keep in the car’s trunk to be used for special occasions. The reality is: that your day-to-day life affects the features that you will find useful in your stroller.

Investing in a stroller with features that you may never need is impractical. It might also cost you a tidy sum. However, as you evaluate your day-to-day schedule and needs, you will identify the key features you would find useful in a baby stroller.

Price of the stroller.

The price of the stroller is the first consideration when purchasing a baby stroller. While other considerations are also important, the price of the stroller will determine your ability to purchase it or not. Some strollers are expensive. Hence, whether they have features you need, they may be well beyond your budget.

It is quite possible to get suitable budget-friendly strollers for your family’s needs. All you have to do is identify those needs and streamline the features that cater to these needs. It is important to note that paying more for quality saves you more money in the long run, especially if you intend to have more kids in the future.

The space in the stroller.

They built some strollers with roomy compartments for keeping accessories for your baby and even some of your personal effects. If your day-to-day routine involves the prolonged usage of your stroller, you may need a stroller with roomy compartments to keep the essentials for such long hours.

The space in your home and car.

Another important thing to consider when purchasing a new baby stroller is how much space you have in your home. You should also consider how much space you have in your car. While some cars can accommodate strollers of any size, some cars are compact and have limited space for your stroller. If you are not willing to upgrade to a spacious vehicle or more spacious apartments, it is wise to invest in a compact stroller.

"Baby Stroller for City Living

The size of your family.

Another very important thing to consider when shopping for a baby stroller is the current size, and the planned future size, of your family. You are in the market for a baby stroller for your first child and you have plans for having other children as soon as possible.

Buy a baby stroller that can accommodate both a baby and an older toddler sibling. However, if you have one child and plan to space out your children multiple years apart, a single durable stroller will do just fine.

Ease and maneuverability, we love it.

For most people in the city, maneuvering through sidewalks and crowded streets is part of day-to-day life. If you fall into this category, a baby stroller that can push around and maneuver through tight spaces would be ideal for you. The best stroller for neighborhood walks is one with great maneuverability.

Your day-to-day routine involves juggling multiple tasks. You will benefit from having a stroller that features a one-handed hold. If you and your partner have a significant height difference, a stroller with an adjustable handlebar would be the right choice for you. Strollers with washable fabrics are always easier to handle and clean.

Sun canopy.

Having a long or adjustable canopy to keep your baby shielded from the sun, rain and other elements is a non-negotiable feature a stroller must-have. A bonus feature would be ventilate or clear windows for you to monitor your baby.

Storage space.

When taking your baby anywhere, you need a lot of accessories. Strollers with larger undercarriages to hold all your child’s essentials make going anywhere a lot easier.

Washable fabric.

Babies are merciful and a combination of your baby’s regular mess and regular wear and tear will leave a mark on your baby stroller’s fabric. A baby stroller model with easy-to-wash fabric will help you keep your stroller in good shape for a longer time.


They made more durable strollers from higher quality materials and not heavier ones. While they may be more expensive than others, the terms will last for years and may even take you through the baby and toddler stages of multiple children.


The most efficient stroller investment is one that can take your child from infancy all the way to the toddler stage. A baby stroller can accommodate your baby through the three stages and possibly include another sibling within a short time. Such a stroller is a significant investment both from a financial standpoint and from a functionality point of view.

Ensuring the safety of your stroller.

Your baby’s safety comes first whenever you step out of your home into the busy city. The well-designed stroller models these days meet basic safety standards. However, here are a few additional safety features to consider when buying a baby stroller;

5-point harness.
Seguso Universal Baby 5 Point Harness Safe Belt Seat Belts
Seguso Universal Baby 5 Point Harness Safe Belt Seat Belts

Five-point harnesses are pretty standard these days. However, some umbrella strollers may design with a three-point harness because of their lightweight design. The snaps on my harness should be secure enough to buckle and not too easy to unbuckle. Your baby should not be able to unlock with the straps on the harness.

The brakes

Another key feature to look out for when buying a baby stroller is the brakes. You should test how easily you can put on the brakes and how easily they can trip. If you hit the brakes unintentionally, avoid buying that model. Also, verify if the brakes offer a secure stop and assess how easily you can disengage the brakes when you’re ready to move.

Edges and hinges.

With little children, it must scrutinize every potential safety hazard. It must well scrutinize the nooks and crannies on any baby products to ensure that your baby’s little fingers and toes do not get stuck in these tight spaces. Avoid baby strollers that have any protrusions or sharp edges.

Reclining seats.

How deeply the seat reclines on the baby stroller is quite important, especially if you are planning to put a newborn into the stroller. Newborns will benefit from stroller models that offer flats reclined or bassinet attachment. It is important to remember that we do not all have the same needs. Therefore, strollers can offer varying levels of benefits for us, depending on our needs. Hence, we should put our unique needs and our child’s safety first when buying a stroller.

Types of baby strollers.

When shopping for the best strollers in 2022 it is important to note that there are different strollers available on the market. Each type of stroller has its strengths and weaknesses, so it is best to identify the type of stroller and evaluate your needs concerning the stroller’s strengths.
Full-size baby strollers.

Full-sized baby strollers are 1 in all strollers. They fully packed them with all the features that your baby might need from birth. They also have plenty of storage space to hold everything your baby may need on the go. A full-size stroller can get your baby from birth through the toddler years.

They are bigger, sturdier, and more durable than other types of baby strollers. Full-size baby strollers are the standard option. Many models offer a full range of features to make your life easier and make your baby’s ride a pleasant one.

best strollers stokke Xplory for City Living
best strollers stokke

Benefits of full-sized strollers.

Full-size baby strollers are the go-to option for many families. They cover all the basics, and offer useful additional features which may include:

  • Forward or rear-facing seat Mount options.
  • Car seat adapter options.
  • Versatile design, and suitable for infant car seats.
  • Expandable canopies that provide exceptional shade.
  • Sturdy tires with great suspension absorb shock as you navigate through the city.
  • Roomy storage space is.
  • Extendable handlebars are suitable for city parents that have a significant height difference.
  • Additional features such as a cup holder or snack tray.

Disadvantages of a full-size stroller.

They can be heavy, making it very uncomfortable for parents that take public transportation or have to climb stairways.
They may also be uncomfortable for small living spaces with limited storage.

For travel systems, keep in mind additional specs.

Safety 1st Smooth Ride Travel System with OnBoard 35 LT Infant Car Seat, Monument, Stroller for City Living
Safety 1st Smooth Ride Travel System

A travel system is a stroller that can attach to a car seat. They often included these strollers as part of the set and they provide an easier system to transition your baby from the Car seat to the Stroller. Travel systems provide you with a more affordable option when you need both a car seat and a stroller.

Benefits of travel systems.

They provide you with an option to move your baby from the car to the stroller with minimal effort. You can buy both components as a set, saving money.

Travel system disadvantages

The stroller lasts into your baby’s toddler years however, your baby will outgrow the infant car seat sooner. If you have multiple cars and your family, you will need to purchase a separate car seat or base for the other cars.

Umbrella strollers.

Parents prefer umbrella strollers for their lightweight and easy carriage features. They are suitable for quick errands around the City. These strollers, as their name implies, fold up, which gives them a compact feel.

The major downside to umbrella strollers is that they are not as sturdy as full-sized strollers and offer very limited storage space. Umbrella strollers rarely have all the features of a full-size stroller, however, they are very easy to handle when on the go.

Benefits of umbrella strollers.

Joovy Groove Ultralight Umbrella, Best stroller for city living
Umbrella stroller for city living

They are extremely lightweight and designed for portability.
This Stroller is easy to fold and you can easily load it into the trunk or take it on an airplane or other public transportation.
Many models still have useful features like expandable canopy reclinable seats, built-in cup holder snack trays, or storage baskets.

Disadvantages of umbrella strollers

Very few umbrella strollers can safely carry newborns with car seat adaptors or bassinet attachments. They designed them for babies from six months of age or older.
Most umbrella strollers do not have a convertible option. So, if you have another child within a few years of the first child, you will most likely need to buy a second baby stroller.

Convertible stroller for city living.

Donkey double pushchair3 Stroller for City Living
Donkey double pushchair3

Convertible strollers are full-sized strollers that have additional features which provide the option of accommodating over one child.

The convertible strollers can accommodate one or more additional seating configurations to accommodate two or even three children. Most convertible strollers would provide much-needed space for people who have twins, triplets, or babies with older siblings.

Advantages of convertible strollers.

Convertible strollers give you the option to manage multiple children with one stroller.
They are quite large and, as a result, have roomy storage spaces.

Disadvantages of convertible strollers.

Because they built these Strollers to accommodate over one child; they are bigger and bulkier, requiring larger storage space.
While some models are lighter, they are not as sturdy and will not absorb bumps and rougher terrain as well.

Reversible strollers, best stroller for city living.

We knew reversible strollers as modular strollers. These strollers offer the parents the option to face the baby toward them. These strollers are ideal for smaller babies as they allow the parents to face the baby to wash them. The parents can convert the stroller to face out when the baby gets bigger and grows into the toddler stage.

Benefits of reversible strollers.

Reversible strollers are ideal for monitoring your little one in transit, especially in the infant stages.
As your child grows, you can reverse the seat on the stroller for your child to face away from you and see the world around them.

Disadvantages of reversible strollers.

It may not do mountain and dismantling the seat In some models.

Stroller for City Living

Jogger strollers are suitable for parents that enjoy an outdoor run or jog with their children in tow. Increased stability and shock absorption properties characterize them. Jogger strollers are not suitable for newborns as newborns do not have the head and neck control for the rigors of traveling in a Jogger stroller.

Babies develop the required head and neck control for Jogger strollers at about six months of age. Jogger strollers are ideal for parents who like to run or jog. They have larger third-year wheels with better wheel suspension for the bumps on alternate terrain. These strollers can help parents keep fit through their children’s baby and toddler years.

Advantages of jogger strollers.

Their superior suspension allows parents to jog, hike or work while keeping the baby comfortable on and off the trail.
They equip many jogging strollers with a front wheel that swivels for flexibility and remains fixed for stability as the stroller goes faster.

Some models may include car seat compatibility, giving the parents the option to use the stroller from the newborn stage through the toddler stage. They also have additional features which include deep reclining seats, extendable handlebars, and generous storage spaces.

They have hand brakes 5 point harnesses and wrist straps as safety features to keep the baby safe as the parents jog.

Disadvantages of jogger strollers

Jogger strollers are heavier and harder to assemble.

In tight spaces, a baby jogger city stroller doesn’t fold up as small or as compact as an umbrella stroller.
They are typically wider than even full-sized strollers and so are not easily maneuverable through tight spaces.

Best double stroller for city living.

Uppababy Vista V2 Double stroller for City Living
Uppababy Vista V2 Double Jogging stroller

A double stroller is an excellent choice for families with twins or an infant with an older toddler sibling. With a double baby stroller, parents can transport multiple children. Sometimes over two seats, either side by side or one in front of the other.

Some double strollers can also feature rides on boards where older children can stand while the parent pushes them.
Double strollers have seats in front of the other or side-by-side.

Advantages of double strollers.

Double strollers enable parents to manage only one stroller with two children.
They are on the biggest side and, as a result; you get great storage space.

Disadvantages of double strollers.

Double strollers are bigger and bulkier than other strollers requiring larger storage space.

Conclusion of the Best Stroller for City living.

Choosing the most appropriate baby stroller for your needs can also be complicated because some strollers in the market fit into two or more categories in the general category described above. For instance, you can have a full-sized stroller that is convertible, reversible, and usable as a travel system.

Well, this is a confusing development. It can come in useful when you require all these features to be in one baby stroller.
How do you choose the best baby stroller for your needs? The choice of the perfect baby stroller for your family’s needs depends on you and your family’s preferences and needs. When in the market for a baby stroller, there are certain things that you must consider before making a final choice.